Fourth call Download "fourth call" in pdf
Dear colleague,
In this 4th Call we would like to announce the Scientific Committee. It has taken us a bit long to publish it since this time all communication assessors/reviewers will belong to the committee. For the moment we have received the confirmation of 56 colleagues. This number will increase in the following days when we will receive more acceptances. You can find it now at our website
The abstract submission period is arriving to its end. However, we would like to encourage those of you who have not done it yet to submit an abstract telling us about your research. We would also appreciate some diffusion to other colleagues of yours. Remember that the abstract submission deadline is September 30th. Please note that abstracts should have between 3000 and 4000 characters (including spaces) and include relevant scientific information (materials and methods, results and discussion, and conclusions). That is very important because it is the only information we have to decide the acceptance of the communication.
In addition, we would like to inform you about new low-cost accommodation in Lleida. We have listed them in the Registration & Accommodation webpage. Remember the organization is only providing the contacts and you are the responsible to arrange you own option.
Looking forward to meeting you in the ECPA2013.
Ens veiem a Lleida!
¡Nos vemos en Lleida!